My Top 6 Leadership Books
Growing up, I was never much of a reader. I feel that is probably the case with many restless young boys. It was just hard for books to compete with the level of stimulation that sports or video games could provide…
Building your Leader Brand
It was our first tournament of the season, and a crucial game for us. If we won, we would advance to the semi-finals. If not…
Cultivate, Replicate, Delegate
I keep hearing it from so many people. “I am swamped!” “I have way too much to do.” “I need to learn to delegate more…
The Introvert Leader
So I will start off this article with a little pop quiz for you:
Elon Musk, Michael Jordan, Marissa Mayer, Eleanor Roosevelt, Richard Branson…
Leaders Who Care
“… Sorry … this is still blowing my mind” the young leader muttered in disbelief. “I mean is it really this simple?”